On Saturday 31 August 2024 two groups of members of the West Wicklow Historical Society visited the Tullow Museum. The museum, which was established and continues to be run by Tullowphelim Historical Society, is housed in an attractive granite building, formerly a Methodist church, near the river Slaney bridge. This small museum contains a diverse range of historical artefacts including personal items belonging to Father Murphy of Boulavogue and the Antarctic explorer Sir Ernest Shackelton.  Holdings also include farming and household implements, together with various business devices and inventions from bygone days.  We were also shown toys, curios, and artefacts from World War I, in addition to  a wide range of photographs, posters and bill heads. Our thanks to our very welcoming guide Helen Kavanagh who shared her considerable store of knowledge and anecdotes concerning the museum’s many fascinating exhibits.

Our photo collage above includes an image of one very interesting exhibit – a Blickensderfer no. 5 portable typewriter manufactured in the USA between 1893-95. If you look closely, you will notice that it’s keyboard is not QWERTY but a contemporaneous alternative having the letter sequence DHIATENSOR on its bottom row. These 10 letters were capable of composing 70% of the words in the English language.

Photos clockwise:  1. WWHS members who visited the museum, with Helen Kavanagh our guide in the centre of the doorway; 2. the Blickensderfer typewriter; 3. and 4. glimpses of some of the museum’s exhibits.


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